Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Future Fiction by David Warlick

I liked this article by David Warlick. I like that he prefaced the article by saying "This is a work of future fiction....because I have every reason to expect that schools can change this much, and that it could happen during my career." I myself do not see it happening in my career. I think we have too many people who are too closed mind to technology used correctly. They seem to think that giving students the technology and the proper instruction will not keep them from misusing the technology. I also think that we have too many teachers who are too afraid of the new technology items to consider using them.
I consider myself a techno geek. I am willing to learn and use anything that makes everyday tasks easier and incorporates technology. With that being said, I find it difficult to properly incorporate the technology into my classroom.
This year I am trying to incorporate more technology and more student based instruction allowing the kids to use the classroom computers I am blessed to have because of other classes I teach. I am leery of how it will go and if it will successfully teach the students the lessons they need to learn.
Only time will tell.

1 comment:

MBarkley said...

Technology is only as good as the lesson it facilitates. We need to be careful thinking that technology can solve most problems. The best way to incorporate technology is to allow access to students. Often they will come up with new ideas we never would have considered.